Connecting with one’s True Identity

The Supreme Soul i.e. the Higher Consciousness – The only One that does not identify with this world’s physical dimension and constantly maintains the perspective of eternity; The One who is ever pure and does not take birth nor experiences death; The One who is incorporeal and has a luminous form and is an Ocean of virtues and a powerhouse of silence and purity – that One reveals our True Identity to us as Beings of Energy i.e. Soul or Spirit that have a Point of Light form visualized as a tiny shining star residing in the center of the forehead in between the eyebrows.

The True Self is luminous, sentient point of energy that connects to the outer world through a perishable body. The Soul is eternal, the body is mortal. The Soul is the driver of this body. The Soul is separate from the body. Soul consciousness means living in the awareness of one’s real identity. An identity that has never changed with time. An identity that is permanent.
- Who am I?
- Why have I come to this World? What am I doing in this bodily costume on this World stage?
- Where do I come from?
- To whom do I belong?
- What is my eternal identity? Who am I, apart from this bodily existence?
- What do I need from life, from relations?
- What is my life’s goal and purpose?
- What all do I think of throughout the day?
- What is the underlying cause of my uneasiness, sorrow?
All these questions are answered by The Supreme Soul.
Soul’s Form
Soul’s Form is a Point of Light, a Subtle Star. Soul is Massless and Weightless. Soul is energy driving the bodily sense organs (Soul performs Karma through the Body). Soul is separate from the Body. Soul is Master of the Body. Soul is indestructible, imperishable, immortal (Eternal/sense of security). Soul experiences sorrow or happiness through the Body.
Soul is energy … identifying with the true form of a point of light self deflects all other negative energy created out of body consciousness. Point means essence from all expansions.
Every individual is a Being of Conscient Energy – Energy of Peace, Energy of Love, Energy of Happiness, Energy of Wisdom, Energy of Purity, Energy of inner Power, and Energy of Bliss.

Soul’s Location
Soul’s Temporary Address – Soul resides in the Center of forehead in This Body, which is perishable. Soul has had multiple temporary addresses i.e. bodies across various births. Soul is merely a Tenant in this perishable Body.
Soul’s Permanent Address – All Souls descend from the Soul World, which exists beyond the limits of the Cosmos and is the Home of Sweet Silence for all Souls. The Soul World can be visualized as a vast Realm of vibrant golden red light.

How many times do we go home during the day? What feeling do we get by being at home?(comfort, safety etc.) If a home of 5 elements of nature can offer us comfort, can we imagine what comfort our eternal home has to offer?
Souls experience deep silence in the Soul World.

Every Soul has a determined place in the Soul World. Shown below is the arrangement of all Souls in the Soul World.

Soul’s Eternal Parent
Every Soul belongs to the Supreme Soul – the Parent of all Souls, who is the Supreme Being of Pure energy and is incorporeal.
The Supreme Soul (God Father) is the Soul’s sole Eternal Relation i.e. our unconditional support (24 hours a day/7 days a week). Soul has all attainments (Teacher/Guide/Father, Spiritual Empowerment) from this Relation . What belongs to Supreme Father belongs to children automatically (The Supreme is an Ocean of all positive qualities). We Souls are innately pure, positive, peaceful just like our Parent.
One must contemplate on how often do we remember/interact with our biological parents, and our eternal Parent? Why do we need our biological parents? Would The Supreme, our Eternal Parent, not satisfy our needs that the biological parents fulfill? How do we Souls benefit by learning about the Supreme Soul? It is by Living with The Supreme Soul in our day to day life.

Soul’s Original Nature
•7 innate qualities –Truth/Wisdom –Purity –Peace –Happiness –Love –Bliss –Power
Enhance each quality by creating thoughts centered around it
Soul’s quest in life is for these 7 qualities
Soul’s Lifespan is Eternal
Sole’s Role in The Body
All Souls perform a Role on this World stage. All Souls acquire a body and a role in that bodily costume. Home, Office, School, Social interaction venues etc. are all various stage settings on this massive World Stage, where each Soul performs their act. Souls while enacting their parts with other stage partners, lose memory of their True Identity, their Original and Permanent Home of Sweet Silence, their True Parent (The Supreme) and their Eternal Relation with The Supreme.
Souls mistake this world stage’s acts to be real, stage partners to be real partners, and thus attachment with the temporary existence of other actors on the stage leads to sorrow. While every stage scene is settling karmic debt or karmic credit amongst Souls, this reality is hardly ever realized and leads one to experience of sorrow or transient happiness. Karmic debt is the account of negative energy that needs to be zeroed out. Karmic credit is the account of positive energy that needs to be zeroed out. Karmic account settling means experience of happiness or sorrow depending on the type of karmic account. The reality is that each Soul enters and exits this world stage alone without taking anything from the stage with oneself. The only thing that the Soul takes along upon exiting the bodily costume is the fruits of one’s own actions i.e. karma. In order to settle this karma, the Soul then enters a new bodily costume.
The Soul’s existence on this World Stage while enacting Roles is fulfilled when the Soul enacts with it’s 7 innate qualities of – wisdom, purity, peace, happiness, love, bliss, power. The purpose of life is to express and experience these innate qualities. Otherwise, the Soul’s role is not fulfilled accurately, and thus karmic debt accumulates which requires further settling via means of emotional, mental, physical, relationships, or financial suffering or karmic credit settling through happiness. Souls then get caught up in the so called maze of Life – which is actually nothing more than a Drama that needed to be enacted with the correct mindset of being an actor in a bodily costume i.e. Soul Consciousness.
Soul’s Faculties
What does the Soul do in the Body?
•Soul thinks via the mind, decides via the intellect which thoughts to bring into action using the body, and forms new habits by repeatedly performed actions • • •Soul experiences the physical world via bodily sense organs – eye nose ear mouth skin; these experiences are recorded as impressions on the Soul (need to be mindful of what we take in through these senses) •
•Mind –Monitoring Quantity and Quality of Thoughts –Positive, Negative, Waste, Necessary Thoughts (Feelings), Mundane, Pure, Divine •Intellect –Discern, Decisions, Visualize –Influences, Stable (Awakened thru Knowledge and Meditation) •Habits (Sanskars) –Original, Previous Births, Inherit, Environment, Will Power . Storage of impressions as: Images, Sounds, Feelings, Thought patterns . Organization of impressions as Memories, Habits, Tendencies, Values, Beleifs, Learnings, Talents, Insticnts, Personlaity Traits
Soul is the Master of these Faculties –Setting Daily Mind Goals; Apply S.O.S on Mind –Meditation to Awaken and Sharpen the Intellect –Create New Habits by Strong Will
We find it difficult to meditate because of our body consciousness. The sole obstacle on our path to self-realization is body consciousness.

Soul consciousness Vs Body consciousness
A contrast of Soul consciousness and Body consciousness is given below.
Soul Consciousness
- Our Mind and Intellect is constantly connected to (i.e. thinking, visualizing, and thus experiencing) Point of light energy form of the Self – The Soul
- Mind connected to 7 qualities of The Soul and in deep experience of each innate quality (peace, love, bliss, happiness, inner power)
- Mind and Intellect consumed by a strong Relationship with the Supreme Parent
- Mind and Intellect connected to The Soul World
- Constant awareness of Soul’s Role in the present body as an Actor
- Attainments :
–Happiness long lasting, unlimited, independently acquired –Don’t know how to /technique to acquire such happiness so we aspire and settle with what we know how to acquire happiness from worldly stage .
Positive self-image, true self-respect, confidence, you love yourself
Self-mastery, you respect your body and treat it well
Improved relationships
Inner happiness, not based on external gratification
Not afraid of death or of the future
Body Consciousness
- Our Mind is constantly occupied with thoughts centered around this body, world, worldly beings, situations, material possessions, role, status, fame, name, glory
- Waste Thoughts
- Mind and Intellect connected to past events of life on this world stage
- Mind held hostage by anxiety, confusion, and questions – why did this happen to me, why did someone behave that way, why am I not being respected, how will I get out of this situation, how will life get back to normal, when will this mess be resolved, who is responsible for all that has happened, where do I go from here now, what do I do with this difficult person, what will happen now, what factors caused the present situation? while some of these questions are necessary to analyze the root cause of a situation in order to learn from it and avoid making similar mistakes going forward……apart from that most of the time these questions lead us nowhere and provide no benefit to us and result in leakage of energy of the soul and weaken our mind
- Negative Thoughts
- Intellect influenced by vices
- Mind captured by dissatisfaction, temporary attainments, resentment, temporary bonds with worldly beings
- Mental pull or attractions towards worldly aspects
- Body and Mind under the effect of past Karmic Accounts
- Attinaments –
- Waste Thoughts
–Worldly Happiness is temporary and has external dependency (Relations, Possessions, Body, Status, Situations are all short lived and changing
Ego, inferiority, low self-esteem
Lack of control over senses, compulsions & addictions
Prejudice, stereotyping, making comparisons, judging others
Happiness doesn’t last, sorrow results from unfulfilled desires
Afraid of death
Soul Consciousness means living in the awareness of one’s True Identity. In order to connect to one’s True Identity, think about the following –
- What is my world without a body?
- When there is no body what is my identity?
- Without a body, what do I experience?
- If I shut myself off from this body, am I able to visualize the true self… a shining star of light, emanating energy of peace. Am I able to visualize myself as the luminous energy that is driving this body, that is seeing through the windows of the eyes and listening through the ears i.e. connecting to the outer world through this body. Am I able to shut myself off from the outer world by taking focus off of bodily sense organs and turning focus inwards on to the energy of peace and purity that is my innate quality. Am I able to stabilize in this thought and visualization? Am I able to stabilize in this state and experience deep silence? Or is the Mind connecting back to the outer world, to situations, to humans, to possessions, to my role, to past events of the day etc.. If the mind is wandering, steer it back again to the spiritual being of light, of peace, of happiness. Give the mind an anchor thought again … I am a being of luminous energy of purity and peace. I am separate from this body. I am the energy of peace…. I am the energy of happiness.
- I am massless, and weightless. I am the master of this body and the energy that puts life into bodily organs. This body would otherwise cease to function without my presence in it. The lungs would stop breathing upon my exiting the body, the heart would stop, the brain would stop … the body can’t even sit up straight on its own without me holding it in position…if i depart from this body, the body can’t even move on its own and would require assistance to move it. This body will decay after I depart from it. I am not this body, I am separate from this body. The body is non-functional without my presence. The body is matter, I am consciousness. I temporarily reside in this body, which is perishable. I am a Being of Powerful Energy. I am eternal.
- I am not the name given to this body e.g. John Doe – John is the role I play in this body. I play a role in this body. My name is given to the role in this body. My identity is not just this role. I am an Eternal Being, enacting a temporary role in this bodily costume. I am a Soul playing a Role through this body.
- I originally descended from the Soul World. I originally belong to The Supreme Parent. I have a permanent home, the Soul World. I have an eternal parent, The Supreme Soul – The Higher Power. I am indestructible, imperishable, immortal. The moment I depart from this perishable body, I take nothing with me – neither this body, nor any relations, nor any material possessions, and all those situations that troubled me cease to exist for me.
- I am the Master of this body. I am a Master of my mind. Mind is a faculty of the Soul. I, the Soul, direct the mind to my true home of sweet silence, The Soul World, my true Parent – The Supreme, and my innate qualities of peace, love, bliss.
- I am not a Being of Body, I am an Being of Pure Energy.
Mind is a faculty of the Soul. With daily practice, the Mind begins to listen to what we tell it to think and stabilizes in one thought eventually. Another faculty of the Soul is the Intellect, that has the ability to discern, decide, and visualize. It is the Intellect that visualizes the thought generated by the Mind. While meditating on one’s true identity, specific thoughts centered around our true identity such as the Soul’s form of point of light, the Soul’s home – The Soul World, are visualized by the intellect and further enhance concentration of the thoughts and richen the experience and feelings associated with those thoughts. The mind and intellect together function to enable the Soul to stabilize in one powerful thought of the true self being.
Few enabling factors that go a long way in assisting the mind to focus and the intellect to stabilize are the timing of meditation, the quality of food consumed by the body, the external environment, and meditation commentaries. If one would like a deeper, richer meditation experience, experimenting with the following factors would be helpful.
- Ideal Time of meditation is between 2am and 5am or between 6pm and 9pm. This is when the day is gradually transitioning into a different phase a contrast phase of light i.e dusk or dawn. During these hours, the traffic of thoughts in the environment is minimal as the majority of population is in a relatively restful state of the mind. Thus, the interference from external thought energy is minimal on the soul’s mind during meditation, so the mind is able to focus better. If it is not feasible to meditate daily during these hours, it is okay to choose any time of your convenience. What matters the most is the deep desire to experience the peace, bliss, purity that lies within and as long as we persist to experience it, we will realize our true self.
- Preferably, chose the same time and place where you can meditate daily as the vibrations of peace, purity build up in that space gradually as you begin to meditate. Also, you can check out your local center where many souls have meditated and elevated the energy of that atmosphere, which helps beginners in their meditation journey. It is just in the beginning steps that we need to dedicate time for meditation. Once the mind is trained and tuned into the soul’s innate qualities then meditation is no longer an explicit task but it becomes a habitual pattern of the mind to naturally begin to think in the way it has been trained during meditation.
- Turn on some meditation music and commentaries to help guide the mind during meditation. Every hour, try to take a minute’s break to meditate .
- Taking precaution on the quality of food we consume plays a vital role in meditation as the food impacts the mind. Not only the physical ingredients in the food matter but the subtle ingredients of thought energy while preparing and eating the food also contaminate the food with negative vibrations, because the mind also impacts the food. For a few days, if it’s feasible, try to experiment with a diet that avoids foods containing garlic, onion, shallots, leeks, chives, caffeine, greasy, spicy, or stale foods, and non-vegetarian products. Such ingredients aggravate the vices and cause the mind to race. Furthermore, meat, poultry, fish, fertilized eggs putrefy in the human stomach and are produced by inducing suffering to creatures. Also, the human digestive tract is actually not designed for flesh foods, because the long transit time leads to unhealthy putrefaction.
Effort for Building Soul Conscious State
Since the initial descent of The Supreme Soul onto this Physical World, for the initial 14 years (1936-1950) The Supreme Soul asked souls to practice the following:
- Child, Practice Soul Consciousness
- Practice this daily so that it becomes firm. Again and again think of yourself as a soul. I, the soul, am seated in this body but I am not this body. I live in this body, but I’m not this body. I am separate from this body. This body is a corpse, I’m living energy. This body is matter, I am conscient energy. Body is made up of 5 elements, I am living energy residing in this body that makes this body feel alive, giving life to every organ and part of the body. When I depart from this body, the body is then seen clearly as a corpse. Practice while moving around and performing tasks, experience being separate from this body – I am separate, this body is separate. Continually do this practice to further detach your self from this body.
- See yourself in point of light form again and again. I have a subtle, light form. Practice daily.
- The Supreme Soul, our Father, made us experience this very distinctly. The Supreme Father, used to ask us to go the beach and sit in solitude and see in the mirror of knowledge what our original form is like…..See yourself. Practice in such a manner that whilst living in the body you feel you are separate from the body. Supreme Father made us firm in this practice. Every day Supreme Father would tell us to sit in isolation, and become engrossed in this experience.
- Child Realize Your Self as a Soul and be in Remembrance of the Father
- My (the Soul’s) father is the Supreme Soul – who is Truth, Conscient Being of Energy, and Blissful. I am like my father. We souls are children of the Supreme Soul – the Ocean of Bliss and we are embodiments of truth, bliss. Supreme Father used to tell us to sit in isolation and
experience being children of Supreme Soul. This remembrance should be so firm that I, the Soul’s, father is Supreme Father Supreme Soul. Just have this one intoxication, I’m God’s child and I’m similar to God. The easy way to remember Supreme Father is by thinking I, the soul, am just like my Father. As my Father is, so am I. - So in addition to being soul conscious Supreme Father made us Supreme Soul conscious. We are children of the highest of the highest authority – father of all fathers. The One who is the seed of the Tree of Humanity. I am the child of such Father. Being in this intoxication. Being
children of God, we have divine virtues and we cannot behave like daemons and
commit sins. We didn’t have the knowledge of what actions were based on Truth and what behavior was characterized as wrongful. Supreme Father came and taught us how to live in the world, how to perform actions, not to perform wrongful actions because we are God’s children.
- My (the Soul’s) father is the Supreme Soul – who is Truth, Conscient Being of Energy, and Blissful. I am like my father. We souls are children of the Supreme Soul – the Ocean of Bliss and we are embodiments of truth, bliss. Supreme Father used to tell us to sit in isolation and
- Children, You are Residents of the Soul World
- Feel and Experience yourself in the point of light form in the Soul World. All you souls are residents of the Soul World, experience yourself in the Soul world residing there along with your Supreme Father – the Supreme Soul. This is real knowledge. This is new knowledge, which is our reality. Where have you souls come from? Where is your home? Remember your home. Child, go to the Soul World again and again, as and when you have a moment throughout the day. Keep practicing going to the Supreme Abode. However, you will be able to practice this only when you are soul conscious. When the practice of soul consciousness is well-founded, the intellect will go straight away to the Soul World.
- Feel and Experience yourself in the point of light form in the Soul World. All you souls are residents of the Soul World, experience yourself in the Soul world residing there along with your Supreme Father – the Supreme Soul. This is real knowledge. This is new knowledge, which is our reality. Where have you souls come from? Where is your home? Remember your home. Child, go to the Soul World again and again, as and when you have a moment throughout the day. Keep practicing going to the Supreme Abode. However, you will be able to practice this only when you are soul conscious. When the practice of soul consciousness is well-founded, the intellect will go straight away to the Soul World.
- Child, Forget the Body and Bodily Relations from the Intellect
- Neither think of yourself to be a body, nor do your bodily companions and relations belong to you. All are separate. Separate from the body – I’m not the body then there’s just nothing. You all are my Children, and I am your Father. I sent you down to the corporeal world to play your parts, so while playing your parts you got so involved in those relations. Now once again, experience yourself as a soul. I’m not this body nor am I a mother/father neither are those my children. I had come alone from the Soul World above. I came down here to play my part and then I will go alone.
- Prepare to go home now, as the time has come now to return home. Supreme Father says everyday that children destruction stands right in front of you. Remember Supreme Father so you will feel empowered. Thoughts have power, a weak thought will manifest on your facial expression in the form of weakness. Your faces become bright by the force of pure thoughts. Supreme Father has refreshed your memory that you are residents of the Supreme Abode. You are not residents of this corporeal world. You came alone, recall how you came to this corporeal world. When you will depart, this body will be here and you will be in Supreme Abode. You will not depart along with this body, then why get so attached with this body, why remember the body and bodily relations.
- Supreme Father constantly gave us the practice to think of ourselves as guests while living in this world. I am a resident of the Soul World and I am a Soul playing my part in this corporeal world. All these relatives are my stage partners, no one accompanies me forever. They have come, and will go too. I have come too, to enact my part. Whilst playing my part, I the Soul will leave. This knowledge must be used in practice.
- Whatever memories Supreme Father has given us, are given to make us powerful and capable. So make yourself powerful and drive this body. Perform all tasks in this world as this is a play, this world is a drama. We have come to play in this world drama. This drama comprises of dualities -happiness and sorrow, day and night, fame and defamation. When this drama is made up of dualities, then we are going to experience birth of someone and death of another one at the same time. The play of birth and death occurs in this world drama cycle only. In the Soul World we are free from birth and death. The Soul World is immortal world. So play your parts in this mortal world while remembering the immortal world. While playing your part in this world with others, always remember that all others are stage partners so this will enable you to be detached; you will not feel intimate and you will not feel that they are mine. You will feel that it’s a part of one birth to be played together as stage partners. All have come here to play their parts. We experience sorrow when we get attached to them and think of them as they belong to me, they are mine. While enacting our parts we become so loving and attached to them that we are unable to leave them. The bondages of attachment get so strengthened that now Supreme Father detaches us from all relations at once. You are a soul, point of light form, you are beings of energy, body is matter and the body and bodily relations are not real – they are stage partners. This knowledge of the drama has liberated millions of souls from sorrow. There are varied kinds of tragedies, however Supreme Father has liberated us from all kinds of sorrow.
- Supreme Father firmly established is us by long continuance, the meaning and timely use of the term “Drama”
- Past is past, forget the past don’t relive it or think about it. Whatever happened – it was in the drama. Whatever happened yesterday, how ever it happened, it happened so in yesterday’s date and has finished, today that day is no more. What happens tomorrow will be seen tomorrow. Time keeps changing; one second doesn’t match with another. So see your part as a detached observer. Then you will not grieve over anyone’s death. Whatever be the nature of our troubles, we will stay detached and observe; whatever trouble has come we have to suffer and finish that karmic account – whether it be an accident, physical illness, a knowledgeable soul will not let these troubles invade the mind. If it’s an ailment, the worst that will happen is that the body will wither away, so then why should my state fluctuate thus my state will be unshakeable and immovable. I am an indestructible soul, eternal soul; I live in this body but I am detached from this body. Anxiety and fear will only worsen the illness, so be free from worries and keep using the jewels of knowledge and new thought patterns that empower the soul to remain unaffected by sorrow. Sorrow affects us only when we have not well-founded the lesson of Drama in our life. Supreme Father emphasized on staying detached and observing the drama. See past as past. Whatever has passed yesterday is past and when will it happen again? – in the next world cycle i.e. after 5000 years it will repeat identically in yesterdays’ date. Today’s day is still moving along and what happens up to tonight is yet to be seen. So be a detached observer in this manner and keep playing your parts, moving along, and observing what happens next. This helps us in creating an elevated stage. We do not fall down in our stage, thoughts that diminish our stage do not arise.
- Past is past, forget the past don’t relive it or think about it. Whatever happened – it was in the drama. Whatever happened yesterday, how ever it happened, it happened so in yesterday’s date and has finished, today that day is no more. What happens tomorrow will be seen tomorrow. Time keeps changing; one second doesn’t match with another. So see your part as a detached observer. Then you will not grieve over anyone’s death. Whatever be the nature of our troubles, we will stay detached and observe; whatever trouble has come we have to suffer and finish that karmic account – whether it be an accident, physical illness, a knowledgeable soul will not let these troubles invade the mind. If it’s an ailment, the worst that will happen is that the body will wither away, so then why should my state fluctuate thus my state will be unshakeable and immovable. I am an indestructible soul, eternal soul; I live in this body but I am detached from this body. Anxiety and fear will only worsen the illness, so be free from worries and keep using the jewels of knowledge and new thought patterns that empower the soul to remain unaffected by sorrow. Sorrow affects us only when we have not well-founded the lesson of Drama in our life. Supreme Father emphasized on staying detached and observing the drama. See past as past. Whatever has passed yesterday is past and when will it happen again? – in the next world cycle i.e. after 5000 years it will repeat identically in yesterdays’ date. Today’s day is still moving along and what happens up to tonight is yet to be seen. So be a detached observer in this manner and keep playing your parts, moving along, and observing what happens next. This helps us in creating an elevated stage. We do not fall down in our stage, thoughts that diminish our stage do not arise.
- Child, Whilst seeing this old world, do not see it
- It’s such a significant ask of Supreme Father from us children that while seeing all wonders of this corporeal world do not see it. Then what should we keep in our intellects, if we are not to see this world whilst experiencing it through our open eyes? What does Supreme Father’s knowledge state in such case? What should we see instead so that this old world vanishes from our sight? Supreme Father asked us to think of this world to be dead, it’s gone – see clearly through your intellect the destruction and everything to be gone. This old world will destroy so why should we be attached to it. Knowing this, why should we take any taste of something that will be gone, that will end? Supreme Father has told us the future of this world – there is complete clarity about it’s future. It is a beautiful world, and is still functional – we are seeing that, but Supreme Father says children whilst seeing this world, do not see it. Do not fall in love with this world. Always remember the new world, because you have to go to that new world again. This old world is gone, but you will go to the new world, so keep that in your remembrance.
- Child, Have Unlimited Disinterest of this world
- Saints, sages, and hermits have limited disinterest. They renounce home and family to seek solitude. They lead the life of a recluse for few years but then they have memories of their past, they remember their families and get pulled back into society and this world again. Unlimited disinterest means having disinterest whilst being in this world and seeing it. Why should we have unlimited disinterest? Because the Supreme Surgeon has informed us of this world’s
demise. So why would we keep the company of corpses? Would dead bodies be of any use to us in the end? So we should understand that we too are in a dead body, the soul is the being of energy in point of light form but this whole world is gone. Strong disinterest, no affection towards it. Attraction and attachment towards anything will be root cause of sorrow. Out intellect will constantly be pulled in that direction where there’s affection or attraction or
attachment – that’s why have unlimited disinterest.
- Saints, sages, and hermits have limited disinterest. They renounce home and family to seek solitude. They lead the life of a recluse for few years but then they have memories of their past, they remember their families and get pulled back into society and this world again. Unlimited disinterest means having disinterest whilst being in this world and seeing it. Why should we have unlimited disinterest? Because the Supreme Surgeon has informed us of this world’s
- Child, Take yourself Beyond all Limits
- Do not be limited by this body and bodily religion. Do not be limited by bodily relations – my parents, my uncle, my child etc. Do not be limited by bodily possessions i.e. my house etc. The
intellect is caught up in these limits. Supreme Father asked us to take ourselves beyond all these limits to the unlimited – you are masters of the limitless home i.e. Soul World. Experience your self as Soul and go into the unlimited realm. In reality, the Soul does not have any limits
hence there won’t be any attachment towards objects of this world. There won’t be any attraction towards things that have limits, in which the intellect gets entangled. Brahma Supreme Father went beyond all limits. He became detached from family relations and had no attachment in anyone. He was in complete remembrance, which made his stage powerful. After renouncing everything, he was so resolute that his attention never went back to all that he had given up.
- Do not be limited by this body and bodily religion. Do not be limited by bodily relations – my parents, my uncle, my child etc. Do not be limited by bodily possessions i.e. my house etc. The
- Child, Become empowered by Truth and Purity
- God is Truth and we are children of the True Father so the power of truth should be ingrained in our character. Truth lived internally and externally, no fear of anyone or anything or of any situation. The power of truth should be fundamental and strong within us. My Father is Truth. I am going to be the master of the Land of Truth (Golden Age). Truth is this life’s adornment.
- Purity is my life’s enrichment. Pure thoughts in the mind, means there is no waste. Purity in mind, words, actions to the extent that no traces of vices exist. Such determination should be in my purity that whilst living in this vicious world, I am not even touched by any vice. Supreme Father taught us to eat pure food, keep pure company. As the food so the mind, as the company so the color. Keep your environment pure. Your company should not be of weak nature , keep good company as well.
- Child, Stay Detached and Loving
- Children live in this world while being detached and loving. You will be able to stay detached by being in the incorporeal stage. From that stage of being incorporeal, then when you come into the corporeal form you will be loving towards all. Practicing incorporeal stage will bring detachment, and be in corporeal form amongst brothers and sisters by serving all with love, and keeping the unlimited vision without any discrimination. Having this kind of love will make you detached and loving.
- Child, Gain Victory over Death
- Death comes upon all. When the time comes, the soul departs from this body, no matter whatever tasks we are engaged with or wherever we are physically located whether travelling on land, sea or by air. Death doesn’t wait for us to reach home or complete our endeavors. Death just takes us away from wherever we are at that time. Supreme Father taught us to gain victory over such death – meaning do not think of death as death but think of it as leaving this body. Just as the soul has entered and taken this body so will the soul leave it. So there is no sorrow experienced when it is said that the soul left the body, but we grieve when we use the word death. Acquiring victory over death means understanding that when time is up we have to leave this body, so internally our stage should be light. Just as I, the soul, have come into this body/world, so have I to depart. So then there will be no fear of death within us. Why be attached to this world? When the time comes each one has to depart. So be ready on this stage with everything packed up. Be ready to leave this platform, so when the call from time comes, you depart.
- Children, You are Hero Actors of this Drama
- In this unlimited drama, think of yourself to be a hero actor amongst so many billions of actors. Because God’s eyes have spotted us, God has made his children and God himself is upbringing and sustaining us. The whole world’s eyes are therefore being drawn upon us now. After we have been adopted by God, we live amongst our worldly families and the Godly family, but do not get attached anywhere. We give Godly gifts to our worldly families but do not get attached to them. Now we do not get attached to bodies. We smile, interact, serve, mingle together but we do not get influenced by any one’s behavioral traits or do not get caught up in physical beauty or do not get trapped in any one due to their affection. Being trapped means inviting sorrow for oneself. Soul’s intellect is never to be attracted to bodily relations. Soul needs to be so beyond these limits that even while soul’s bodily relations were sitting right besides, soul is unable to spot them when asked by guests to introduce family members to them.