The Soul World is a vast realm of golden red light that represents the energy of the sixth element. The Soul World is the eternal residence of The Supreme Soul and it is the Sweet Silence Home for all Souls.

This world can not be perceived via the energy of 5 elements of nature i.e. through the means of this physical world. However, one can experience this eternal Supreme Abode using the energy of mind and intellect of the Soul. The intellect can visualize the Soul World and the mind can stay focussed on the pure energy of peace and experience deep silence by being embedded in this environment of purity and peace. With the help of concentration power, every Soul can experience the deep silence of The Supreme Abode and can experience the divine presence of The Almighty Authority, The Supreme Power of all virtues.

Just like how a physical home offers feelings of comfort, rest, peace, ownership, security, and convenience, similarly The Supreme Abode offers a place of limitless comfort, rest, peace, safety, and eternity to all Souls who connect with The Soul World via their mind and intellect. It is The Supreme Abode – no physical abode can even come close to match with the ultimate experience of deep silence and rest The Supreme Abode offers.
How many times does one go to their physical home in a day? Atleast, one should give importance to the Supreme Abode in a similar manner and experience the comforts of this eternal home at least once a day.
In order to experience the Soul World, and the Supreme Soul’s energy let’s meditate:
I now withdraw my attention from my physical organs…my eyes are open…my body is at rest. I focus my thought energy on myself…on the inner self…as the pull of thoughts of the world diminishes…I begin to feel light.
I am thinking, remembering and observing my original self…I am a point of light…a point of life energy…the life energy that powers the body. I am non-material light…an eternal soul…thinking, deciding, acting, observing, remembering…I perform actions through this body…I observe the results of my actions…
I am the actor, my body is the costume. I am the rider. My body is the chariot.
I concentrate on this one thought…that I am a point of life energy…radiating light…as my thoughts focus I am filled with power…I become light…floating…and I experience deep, powerful peace…I am in total peace.
Many visionaries throughout the ages have seen this world of pure spiritual light. This is the region where the soul exists in its dormant stage, when it has no body and is in its purest form.
When I first take a body, it is from the soul world that I come to this physical world; the field of action. With the practice of meditation, the third eye opens and I see my home, the world of light, as an infinite expanse of subtle golden-red light.
I am a soul…light and burden-free…I reside in the centre of the forehead…concentrating now, I feel more and more powerful as I become light… radiating light…on the screen of my mind I begin to sense a warm, golden-red glow, my home.
My home is the land of peace and silence…the land of tranquil light…I bathe in this glow…and fill with total peace and silence. I experience being in my home of light…filling with peace and inner space…my home has no limits…I fly free of tension in this expanse of light…I enjoy the gentle stillness…
and when it is time to return to the awareness of my body, I do so with detachment…aware of the difference between soul and body…I come back to this physical world…the drama stage, the stage on which the drama of life is played.