The Cyclic Nature of Time
Time, as much as it seems linear, in reality is cyclic in nature. We experience various seasons throughout the year, which repeat in the following year in the exact same sequence. The year is new, but the sequence of seasons is identical. Human life also passes through various phases of childhood, youth, adult, old age and then, life starts anew as a child again.

Nature too has various cycles such as the water cycle, the oxygen-carbon cycle. These processes operate in a cyclic manner naturally. Just like these cycles are split into four distinct phases, time is also cyclic in nature and has four phases. To understand these four phases of Time, lets consider an example – As the time in the clock progresses during the day, our physical and mental energy level diminishes with the time of the day. For example, consider the following:
- How do we feel in the morning?
- How do we feel in the afternoon?
- How do we feel in the evening?
- How do we feel at night?
At night, when we are completely exhausted, a restful stage of sleep restores us back to an energetic physical and mental state. This restoration phase operates naturally. So in order to understand the world time cycle or the cosmic clock, we need to think about how we feel during the present times. To be more precise, how we feel means what is the measure of – i) our peace of mind, ii) our happiness level, iii) our experience and expression of love and bliss, iv) our inner resilience, v) our virtues, in the present time? Were these levels better in the past i.e. several years back, and have these deteriorated further now, being under the influence of a vicious world? Based on all these factors being at their lowest levels, what time can we speculate that it would be in the cosmic clock at present? It is only when it is night time, that we experience maximum fatigue and feel depleted of all aforementioned factors.

At present, which is the night time in the cosmic clock, when stress, anxiety, fear, insecurity, greed, hatred, vengeance, vices, anger, ego, poverty, illness, scarcity of resources, and natural calamities are at their peak … wouldn’t these signs signal that a morning i.e. new age is about to come? A new era that will be full of moral values, abundant wealth, perfect health, prosperity and a complete experience and expression of innate values of peace, love, bliss, happiness. Isn’t that what we yearn for – a perfect life, a perfect world where love is the default way of interaction, peace and happiness is the default state of mind? Or would we rather have this undesirable state of the world and this state of our minds to continue to exist for an indefinite period of time? The question that arises in our minds is that for how long would this state of the world continue to be. While humans can only speculate the duration, The Supreme Soul has revealed this duration to be of 5000 years. It is every 5000 years before the cosmic clock resets. Which means during this current period, when immorality and vices are predominant and have a created an undesirable environment for all living beings to live in, at this time of utter darkness of morality and virtues the cosmic clock is due for a reset i.e. a new beginning, a fresh start of a new period. This task does not happen by itself, but it requires Supreme Power to bring about such massive transformation in the state of the world. It is now, at the darkest hour of the cosmic cycle, that The Almighty Authority descends to begin the task of transformation.
Just like the process of night transitioning into day is not magic; the rotation of Earth around its axis causes day and night. Likewise, the present age dominated by vices is not going to magically transition into a new age of perfect health, wealth, prosperity, and virtues. It is when the vices are at their peak, and when all souls from the Soul World have descended onto this physical world’s stage to enact their parts, the time comes for The Supreme Parent – The Almighty Authority to descend from the Soul World onto this Physical World Stage to bring about incognito transformation of Souls, and the purification and cleansing of The Physical World Stage.
The Duration of Cosmic Cycle
It is much easier to believe the cyclic nature of time at the scale of a single day of 24 hours, as we personally experience the renewal of mental and physical energy and are able to witness nature at first hand as the dark night transitions into a new day, a new bright morning. The world time clock (cosmic cycle) however, is of a much larger duration – a duration that spans more than a single lifespan (i.e. individual lifespan of average 60 years to at most 130+ years) and therefore no human being can accurately speculate the duration of the cosmic clock or world cycle before the cosmos or the world of 5 elements of nature resets to a new phase or its original purest level. The Supreme Being (The Supreme Soul, Higher Consciousness, The Almighty Authority), is the only one who does not come into the limits of time existence due to birth, life and death – and therefore is the only one who has witnessed every single second of the cosmic cycle. The Supreme Soul is the only one who has the entire big picture of the world clock and thus has revealed the duration of the world time cycle to be of 5000 years. This divine revelation has also been alluded in various religious scriptures:
- In Christianity, the Bible states that 3000 years prior to Christ there was Paradise. We are 2000+ years after Christ at present, so that means about 5000 years have elapsed since Paradise or the Golden Age i.e. Heaven was experienced by humanity.
- Islam states that Qayamat – The Judgement Day befalls every 5000 years in time when Allah descends and awakens all spirits from graves. Spirits will rise from their graves, settle their accounts through punishments and Allah will take all spirits home.
- The Bhagwad Gita states that The Mahabharat War happened 5000 years ago; when there will be conflicts in every household that time will indicate the onset of Mahabharat war.
- Nostradamus mentioned that the Golden Era will dawn after the Third World War.
These revelations of time, and the duration 5000 years imply that towards the end of 5000 years in the cosmic cycle, when the world is at the peak of unrighteousness, The Supreme Soul descends to re-awaken spirits (souls) to their true, original nature. Then this present physical world is demolished and a new, perfect world of purest 5 elements is reconstructed. The cosmic cycle then resets to a new age that is characterized by complete purity, abundant health, perfect wealth, 100% happiness, along with the 5 elements of nature at their peak of purity, and the world stage is at its most scientifically advanced stage of conveniences and beauty.
The time for the cosmic cycle to reset is now! The Supreme Soul has already descended (several decades ago), and in a very incognito manner the massive task of transformation of souls and world transformation has already begun and is now towards it’s very final phase of rejuvenation. It is now or never for all souls to reawaken and recognize the late hour in the cosmic clock, recognize the incognito descent of The Supreme Soul, be receptive to the teachings of The Supreme Soul in order to realize The Self and The Supreme Parent, and begin working towards self-transformation which in turn contributes towards the world transformation.
The Five Phases of Cosmic Cycle
Consciousness & Matter
The cosmic cycle indicates how matter and consciousness (Souls) come into play during a course of 5000 years. Relationship of Consciousness to Matter is that Nature i.e. matter, reflects human consciousness. Consciousness is primary. If human consciousness get corrupted, nature too declines in its state of purity.
Souls, Supreme Soul, and Matter exist eternally. How these three come into interaction defines the cosmic cycle.

The Divine Descent in the Age of Unrighteousness marks the beginning of the transition phase – The Confluence Age. Confluence of night and day i.e. the period of impurity and unrighteousness and the period of purity and righteousness. The following sections outline how life begins when the world stage resets and the new era begins, and how the quality of consciousness (souls) and matter deteriorate with time. The Supreme Soul reveals that the Cosmic cycle is divided into four equal time periods and each phase is of duration 1250 years. These four phases are compared to quality of metals – gold that is unaffected by weather elements; silver that tarnishes easily; copper that corrodes quickly; iron that rusts easily. The quality of the Souls is also like these metals – at first Souls are so pure like gold and then gradually the soul’s quality diminishes to that of silver, which tarnishes easily; then to copper and eventually to iron that rusts so easily i.e. Souls are easily affected by situations and the external environment.
The Time Period of Righteousness and Purity (Golden Age – 1250 years)

This phase is the morning time of the world cycle or cosmic clock. It marks the descent of few souls from the Home of Light i.e. the Soul World. It is the Springtime of nature and souls in bodily costumes are naturally soul consciousness. This is the time period of Immortality, Peace, Purity, Prosperity of health, wealth, happiness.
This era is geographically One Continent, ruled by One Kingdom, there is only One Religion, One Language, with Purity in Elements of Nature which reflects human consciousness. Nature serves Humanity in this age. The Architecture has Palaces of Gold & Gemstones. Science is Constructive and is in the form of Atomic and Solar Energy, with no element of destruction existing in this age. Transportation is By Air (Vimans) only. Long distance Communication is by Thoughts. Everyone’s Routine is a Relaxed Lifestyle including Daily Evening Celebrations, and Light Work Schedule. Currency is in the form of Gold Coins. Trade is not done using currency but by barter of excess goods, since the entire population lives as one world family. Festivals are elaborate and lavish. Education is stress free and learning methods are via singing, poetry, painting etc. to make education fun. Each Family comprises no more than four members – 2 parents and 1 son, 1 daughter. Animals and birds sing and entertain the human population. Animals are also adorned with gold jewels and gemstones. To see and learn more about the detailed lifestyle in Golden Age, readers are advised to refer to Invitation to Paradise.
The Time Period of Spiritual Descent (Silver Age – 1250 years)
This age marks the slight decline in level of soul consciousness, but still experiencing peace, happiness & prosperity. It is a reflection of the spring: semi-heaven. There is a decline in original power and energy of souls through action.
- Population increases gradually
- More attention of souls is on form than on content/essence
- Gradually souls gets attracted to things of the senses
- Kingdom/Finance/Science all under One sovereignty
The Time Period of Dualities (Copper Age -1250 years)
This Age witnesses the Fall of Human Nature. Sudden precipitation into body consciousness, Attraction or attachment to the body; fear of death. Self-sovereignty ends, begin seeking external support from one another, mental emotional dependence, reliance on outside factors, pleasure through senses . Splitting of the human family: rise of primitive cultures in addition to existing cultures. Trauma/amnesia. Corresponding drastic/ cataclysmic changes in nature. Population rises. This period is the beginning of :
- Duality: Imbalance, happiness or sorrow, spirit and matter, male and female, righteousness and unrighteousness (Duality reflected in Scriptures)
- Sorrow & search for happiness , peace etc.
- Worship
- Part of Founders of the Faiths
- Slavery to senses
- Memories of Supreme Being resurface
- Memories & visions of lost ages result in deity worship
The Time Period of Vices (Iron Age – 1250 years)
Confusion, sorrow & suffering peak during this period. Material dominates the spiritual aspect. The pursuit of material ambition is sole aim of existence. Vices are accepted as a norm. This age is marked by irreligiousness, poverty, war, illness, suffering. This time period is marked by the following:
- Population stretches limits of planet’s resources, scarcity is widespread
- Discontentment, souls lose integrity completely and are influenced by everything
- Nature in its worst state – polluted, global warming
- No soul experiences happiness in all 4 forms – health, mind, relations, wealth.
Signs of End of Kali Yug as stated in Hindu Scriptures
- Population explosion
- Pollution
- Global Warming
- Geographic changes in Earth’s axis
- Scientific developments –Nuclear, Atomic
- Scriptures
- Politics lacking values
- Inhumane, destructive science
- Blind faith & worship
- Corruption at its peak
- Loveless worship of god
- Entertainment lacking Conscience
- Ladder to the Moon
- Cows eating garbage
The Time Period of Transformation (Diamond Age – 100 years of Confluence Age)
The Divine Descent and The Significance of Confluence Age

To understand Confluence Age, let’s consider the following example – When we buy tickets to a stage show, we have options to select the show timings on a particular day. There is however some gap between two consecutive show timings. This time gap allows the organizers to re-arrange the stage settings and enables actors to change costumes before the curtains are drawn open to start the new show. As the show plays out, there is melody in the beginning, a pleasant start. Then the story develops with a sad tone and all actors appear on the stage at their scripted times to perform their parts, and nearing towards the end there is climax, action, commotion, elevated levels of sound and music to further dramatize the scenes and then, the drama ends. All actors assemble on the stage to bow before the audience and the curtains close. The audience leave the theatre, and the stage is reset again.
The melodious pleasant beginning is analogous to the Golden and Silver ages. The introduction of a sad tone to the story is analogous to the Copper Age of dualities. The action packed, dramatic ending scenes are analogous to the Iron Age. The time between the curtains closing and re-opening for the new show, is analogous the the Confluence Age.
At present, we are standing at the end of the Confluence Age which started in 1936 and the Cosmic clock is about to strike midnight. Our Supreme Father, to whom we have all called out in times of sorrow and suffering has descended to respond to our prayers, to bring about such a drastic transformation that this World Stage will be reset into its very best state i.e. pure nature, and so will all Souls. Our supreme Parent has descended to bring Heaven on Earth.
The Supreme Being imparts knowledge about who we truly our, about who the Supreme Parent is, where our eternal Home is, and the knowledge of the Three Worlds and the Three aspects of Time (our past, present, and future), the Law of Karma, the Tree of Humanity outlining the timeline of all religions, the secret of the Trinity, and about our inner spiritual powers.
This age serves the following purpose:
- Deepen understanding of eternity
- Understand the process of change of matter and consciousness
- Connection between self-transformation and world transformation
- As you once were, you are destined to be again: pure, perfect, peaceful, prosperous, happy and complete
- Past is past, put a full stop to it. Drama is accurate, beneficial for all.
- The present is most auspicious – It is the foundation for the remaining four ages in the cosmic cycle. It is the only time when we get to directly meet God & directly experience God as a Teacher. The only time to Sow seeds of Elevated Karma. The only time to spin the time cycle in our awareness for Self Realization
- Whenever souls come down, it’s their Golden Age. Souls ultimately get the part they want. Once they come down, they stay here – this is why the population increases.
- Realize that God has descended with an Agenda, either we change with Time or Time will force us to change
- How do we benefit by considering ourselves to be Actors on this world stage
- How do we benefit by getting the knowledge of the World Time Cycle i.e. Drama
- How have we travelled through time and where in time are we standing right now
- What happens at the end of the Drama
- What is the Call of Time now
This Eternal Drama on the World Stage is beneficial, accurate, and nothing is new in this Drama that has not happened in the previous cosmic cycle. Every scene in time brings benefit to the self, even the most severe circumstances are a settlement of debt that has occurred in previous births by the Soul. Settlement of negative karmic debt happens through suffering and therefore suffering is a good thing as the soul becomes lighter and free from bondage of past karmic debt. Suffering also contributes towards the souls’ progress by enhancing immunity to adverse circumstances and gradual increase in spiritual strength. Such adverse times also test the soul’s faith in The Supreme.
For over 8 decades now, an incognito process of internal transformation of Souls is underway. The Supreme Parent is serving Souls as a Parent, Teacher, Guide and empowering Souls to be able to think and act as per the Supreme Knowledge to bring about self-transformation and thus world transformation. Transformation will happen, regardless of whether we become part of the change or not. Being part of this change will however, be the choice every individual will make at their own discretion. The fruits of the decisions and actions each Soul will make at this Confluence Age will forge every Soul’s destiny in the upcoming cosmic cycle. Destiny such as – When a Soul descends from the Soul world onto this Physical world, and what Status in Society the Soul achieves on the World Stage – this will be driven by the efforts of each Soul at this Confluence Age. This is how every Soul writes their own destiny. This is the only time in the cosmic cycle when Souls learn about all the roles played across the entire cosmic cycles – roles enacted by the Soul as various actors across various lives.
Every soul however will experience the four phases/qualities of life regardless of which phase the Soul descends on the world stage during the cosmic cycle. If a Soul descends in Golden Age, the Soul will experience 1250 years in the beginning of Golden phase, another 1250 of Silver phase and then 1250 years of Copper and 1250 years of Iron aged phase. If a soul descends in the beginning Copper age, then the soul will experience 625 years of golden aged lifestyle, then 625 years of silver aged lifestyle and continue to experience 625 years of copper aged lifestyle and finally 625 years or iron aged lifestyle, regardless of what phase the world stage is in – the soul will still experience 4 equal time durations of a lifestyle that starts from 100% health, wealth, happiness, prosperity, and virtues and gradually declines to iron aged levels. The duration spent in each phases will differ, however, from soul to soul as that is based entirely upon the efforts of purification made by each Soul at Confluence Age. It is now or never. Following the directions of The Supreme and becoming an embodiment of The Supreme Knowledge is now determining each soul’s fate or role on this Physical World Stage for the upcoming Cosmic Cycle. All Souls are forging their parts for the next Cosmic Cycle at present and creating their own destiny by choosing to follow Supreme Directions.
Astronomy states that every 5100 years the relative positioning and movements of celestial objects repeats identically. This means that the same exact positioning of the celestial objects which exists at the time of one’s birth, repeats every 5100 years. The World Cycle duration including the Confluence Age is also 5100 years, every 5100 years events repeat identically. The exact same sequence of events that take place in the Cosmic Clock at a particular time and place will repeat after 5100 years again and again and again. We are not reading this webpage for the first time, but have read it numerous times before in previous World Cycles and will repeat this reading for the coming World Cycles indefinitely.