Phases of Our Spiritual Journey – Baba’s hand holding

New BK students who are reading Murli (Unadulterated Direct Spoken Words of The Supreme Soul through the Corporeal Human Medium) daily can progress by practicing points given in the Basic chart, Intermediate chart and Advanced chart. As we progress along this spiritual journey, The Supreme Soul i.e. Almighty Authority God Father (whom we lovingly refer to as Baba) will take us through different phases. In the initial phases, Baba will win our faith by doing miracles in our life, Baba will make known his presence in our life and acknowledge us as his child. We will get special attention, care, guidance from Baba and he will pave the path for our spiritual progress by bringing us into touch with certain instruments or centers that will play a significant role in advancing our understanding of Baba’s knowledge. Once we begin to recognize Baba’s help and gradually settle with the new principles of Brahmin life – that is diligently following all the dharnas, bonding with the brahmin family, then the roller coaster ride starts. Baba starts to test our understanding of the knowledge (i.e shrimat) and our faith is Self, Drama and Baba. Baba is still baby-sitting us in this phase but silently observing our progress as we fail more in all the exams Baba is putting us through as we don’t recognize those anomalies as exams but take it lightly and succeed very little. As long the Soul serves a lot of other souls in this phase, the soul will pass through this leg of the journey without even being aware of Baba’a plan, and the soul makes a lot of mistakes out of body consciousness. But one serious blow i.e. a severe test from Baba, a particular life event that targets our major weakness will come our way and that will be very painful for us, and this will serve as a turning point for us and transition us into the next phase of making serious effort and being very alert. So Drama is beneficial is this way, although at that moment we will not realize this. Now Baba’s role changes from baby-sitter to supervisor. Baba is constantly watching us and guiding us while Drama is giving us tests i.e. painful situations, that eliminate certain flaws in our personality. The Soul learns along and rectifies the mistakes made and gradually becomes aware of shortcomings, if the soul is maintaining a chart daily. The chart renders a big picture of the weaknesses the Soul has and awareness of these weaknesses is a huge step towards the soul’s progress. At this phase, Avyakt Murli reading becomes crucial to learn strategies on how to overcome these shortcomings. Listening to experiences of Seniors also helps. Serving other souls also plays a major role in advancing the Soul and understanding knowledge better. Increasing the duration of meditation, churning the knowledge, practicing swamaan, practicing silence, all of these efforts will help the soul cruise along this phase and this phase will be enjoyable but it won’t last long. The next blow is on its way and this blow will reveal to the soul all the attachments the soul has – whether that be with other souls, with yagya service, with materialist possessions, with one’s own ideals and beliefs, and any external dependencies will be addressed by Drama and painfully eliminated. In this phase Baba’s role changes drastically, as Baba now becomes a silent observer. Our utmost faith in Baba and Drama is tested in this phase. Once we cross this phase, comes the next phase of recognizing and eliminating ego, anger, traces of any other vices, a phase of maintaining pure and positive thoughts for those souls who hurt us, of recognizing subtle forms of the vices, of achieving a double light stage and world benefactor stage. If we reach this stage, which we will only by utmost adherence to virtue of purity of mind, body, actions… then we experience Baba as our companion. With high alertness and constant attention we begin to live in the present moment and with Baba. We serve the world continuously through our Mind. This stage is a stage of inner contentment, of bliss and purity. As long as we maintain this stage, keep a daily chart to work on eliminating every weakness, strengthen our inner powers and inculcate divine virtues and focus on the efforts outlined below, we will pass the Final Paper (which has extracted from Avyakt Murlis).

For BKs in knowledge over 2 years who aspire for an elevated stage, fast and focussed efforts are outlined here. Time cycle is changing, we have to progress faster than time so we reach our state of perfection before time reaches the finish line. Now each one has to check ourself how far have we reached this goal. The gyst of our effort should be focussed on the following thoughts and firm beliefs (Nishchay):

  • How firmly do we believe we are souls?
  • Then next , how firm is our belief that we are a pure divine soul – every world cycle we have been one and in upcoming cycle we become that again. Make ourself believe this fact and we will attain the stage of perfection because our thoughts, words, actions, will change as per the firmness of this belief. I am a pure divine soul, I don’t want to think like an ordinary soul;  I must achieve true freedom from old habits /thinking patterns /world of 5 elements /all thoughts’ bondages that are pulling me to act against divine principles. I am in extreme happiness at present 
  • Our goal is to become 100% embodiment of each of the 7 innate qualities of the Soul
  • Goal is to be God like in form, behavior, thinking, speaking i.e. a soul completely separated from the body, as point of light form of divine energy, divine behavior, divine pure positive powerful benevolent thinking, very light in state of mind and in aura; in complete freedom with no bondages at anytime or anywhere, in full command over mind, intellect, sanskars i.e. being Master almighty authority an embodiment of all powers and divine virtues.
  • Change the thoughts to think positive, powerful, responsibly as the entire population is impacted by our thoughts. Our entire effort hinges upon this. Our duty is to think elevated and be God-like. 
  • Feel our five forms (Brahmin, Farishta, Nirakari Atma, Diety form, Worship worthy form) and experience it deeply to realize the true self, experience how Golden Age was and will be… true freedom in life from all bondages of sorrow.
  • We are already living in and Paramdham, Subtle world and Golden Age via mind and intellect. Wearing the armor of soul qualities and through constant relationship with Baba, we cruise along this last leg of journey back home and into the pure new world of divine souls i.e. Paradise

In order to make the mind think pure, elevated and positive thoughts naturally…we first need to practice meditation i.e. sitting in silence in Baba’s room for at least half an hour to one full hour every morning, afternoon, evening, and night and then gradually increase this duration to 4 hours of total meditation per day. This practice is a must for those who aspire to reach an elevated stage. In the early days of the yagya, i.e. spiritual movement, Baba asked souls to practice sitting in silence daily for several hours and this practice continued for 14 years, which laid a soul conscious foundation in those souls. Today only a handful of those souls are still living and their stage is that of perfection whilst doing karma…they are naturally soul consciousness while walking, talking, doing any tasks and their thoughts are inherently benevolent. This is the stage that all of us will attain eventually but in percentages i.e. numberwise. To reach a 100% elevated stage we must make the foundation strong by practicing yog for 4 hours daily until it becomes natural for us to think elevated thoughts of being light (i.e. burden free) and being shining, bright, divine light i.e. experience a double light stage of mind, and being continuously with Baba, without making any explicit effort. For this, we must practice the following daily

  • Swamaan – For 30 minutes daily, take 1 Swamaan from this book (page 73 onwards) and write the Swamaan title 5 times and then experience it for few minutes, again write it down 5 times and experience it for few minutes. Repeat these steps until 51 times of writing Swamaan.
  • Manan Chintan /Churning Murli – Sit in solitude for 15 minutes daily and take few points from daily Murli and start thinking on how do I become like this? What do I need to do to become like this? How will I benefit from using the gyan point in daily life? Baba’s touching gives us answers on how to think/behave/act as per shrimat.
  • Mansa Seva: 1 to 2 hours daily experience these thoughts. Or join Power of Sakaash Madhuban group through whatsapp.
  • Be in Farishta i.e. Angelic Stage while working i.e. Karam Yogi: Gradually start increasing attention while working, on our body of light and feeling feather light. The goal is to get to 8 hours of karm yoga daily … but this will not happen easily or quickly, it will require diligent practice and persistence.
  • Night Class: After dinner listen to a powerful class from from Senior brothers and sisters. Listen to classes on Sakar Baba Ke Saath Anubhav, about Purusharth etc. Listen to classes on Yagya History and Brahma Baba’s Personality. Listen to BK Sustenance classes. Listen to Prerna – Experiences shared by Senior sisters who came into the Yagya during Sakar Baba and Mamma’s time. Or Read books – Ek Adhbhut Jeevan Kahani – Part1 Part2, Adi Devi, Adi Ratan, Vande Matram, BhagyaVidhata, YagyaMaata Jagdamba Saraswati, Sakaar Yaadein, Dadi Janki Anubhav, 3-in-1 Dadi Nirmal Shanta, Dada VishwaRatan AutoBiography, Vyakti Ek Vyaktitva Anek-Jagdish Bhai Autobiography, Real Wisdom Dadi Gulzar, Divya Guno Ka Guldasta, Dada Chandrahas Anubhav with Brahma Baba, Dadi Prakashmani Words of Wisdom, Experiences with Dadi Prakashmani, Suraj Bhai – Samadhan
  • Chart – Write a chart at night daily by noting down why our state of mind became unstable during the day and report it to Baba. Note the reasons i.e. our weaknesses in which inner powers and divine virtues, caused our stage to decline. Understand ourself better by contemplating on eliminating the reasons and strengthening ourselves and working on being more pure in our mindsets. If any negative karma is performed, if we have hurt anyone by being under the influence of our vices and sanskars, report it to Baba.
  • Practice Maun (Full Day in Silence of Mind and No Speech) once or twice a week. This enhances our energy and enables us to focus inwards and be with Baba throughout the day.

As long as we stay focussed on these efforts, our quality of yog will be 90% and above. If we lose attention on our effort our quality of yog will decline and our mind will wander. We must pay attention on our routine and be cautious of not creating any further negative karma with any soul. For this we need to focus on the following:

  • Anything unpleasant that happens to us contrary to our expectations/beliefs, just hand it over to Baba and become light… It’s Baba’s responsibility there onwards to tackle that problem for us
  • Zero down waste thoughts of negative past or present incidences, other soul’s behaviors – Only think of well being of others (i.e. Shubh Bhavana), about how we can help them reach an elevated stage and how we can safeguard ourself from the negative effects of other souls’ behaviors and actions. Whatever happened to us was due to our karma and we are solely responsible for whatever happened. We have a new life, a new future and this should be so deeply imprinted on our memories that the old life incidences seem like happenings to someone else not us – not identifying self with the old life but identifying self with this new brahmin, deity, angelic life. This will assist us in living in the present moment and nullify effects of past incidences i.e. our life history, on our mind.
  • Have utmost faith in every scene of Drama. Stay positive in every scene of Drama and stay positive with every soul, because it’s all happening for our benefit – its making us stronger and experienced in handling similar situations going forward and it is also settling our karmic debts. Be patient and have full faith that this karmic debt will settle with time and then drama’s scenes will change.
  • Do not want anything for ourself or have any desires, else this will give rise to further greed or anger when our needs won’t be fulfilled. Do not hold attachments to any material objetcs/ideas/yagya seva/souls etc. else that will lead to a lot of emotional/mental pain. Both anger and attachments waste our time. Be alert about where the mind is getting trapped – whether that be in wealth, possessions, seva, worldly attractions, bodily relations, problems, wants, needs…. We have Baba, we don’t need anything else. We are content souls. Instantly recognize and catch this subtle form of Maya and quickly restore to our original pure divine state of being in bliss and being double light
  • Become Egoless. Any impure thought towards anyone is due to our ego, the false I. If we are feeling bad, it’s because of the ego. Bossiness is due to the ego. Hatred towards someone is also due to the ego being hurt. Having feelings of superiority or inferiority complex is also the ego. Disrespecting anyone is also having an ego. Rejecting, holding grudges against anyone is also due to ego. Feeling insulted, disrespected is also due to ego. No matter how anyone treats us, no matter how wrong anyone does to us, we have to stay in the elevated awareness of being a world benefactor soul. It is us who will uplift souls who can not realize their shortcomings for themselves. It is our positive vibes that will transform those souls. We have to rise above and stay beyond the cause and effects and influences of other souls’ actions and words.
  • Be everready to leave this body by practicing these Ruhani Drills
  • Have One Baba, and None Other in our mind and heart- experience Baba’s presence all the time. Baba is the only support we have and the only one we should trust. Dependency and Familiarity with souls in lokik is only going to emerge our old sanskaras and vices and body consciousness. Stay detached from lokik at all times to keep safe from creating new vikarma.

Effort for Building Soul Conscious State

Since the initial descent of The Supreme Soul onto this Physical World, for the initial 14 years (1936-1950) The Supreme Soul asked souls to practice the following:

  • Child, Practice Soul Consciousness
    • Practice this daily so that it becomes firm. Again and again think of yourself as a soul. I, the soul, am seated in this body but I am not this body. I live in this body, but I’m not this body. I am separate from this body. This body is a corpse, I’m living energy.  This body is matter, I am conscient energy. Body is made up of 5 elements, I am living energy residing in this body that makes this body feel alive, giving life to every organ and part of the body. When I depart from this body, the body is then seen clearly as a corpse. Practice while moving around and performing tasks, experience being separate from this body – I am separate, this body is separate. Continually do this practice to further detach your self from this body.
    • See yourself in point of light form again and again. I have a subtle, light form. Practice daily.
    • Baba made us experience this very distinctly. Baba used to take us to the beach and make us sit in solitude and ask us to see in the mirror of knowledge what our original form is like. See yourself.  Practice in such a manner that whilst living in the body you feel you are separate from the body. Baba made us firm in this practice. Every day Baba would tell us to sit in isolation, and become engrossed in this experience.
  • Child, Realize Your Self as a Soul and be in Remembrance of the Father
    • My (the Soul’s) father is the Supreme Soul –  who is Truth, Conscient Being of Energy, and Blissful. I am like my father. We souls are children of the Supreme Soul – the Ocean of Bliss and we are embodiments of truth, bliss. Baba used to tell us to sit in isolation and experience being children of Supreme Soul. This remembrance should be so firm that I, the Soul’s, father is Supreme Father Supreme Soul. Just have this one intoxication, I’m God’s child and I’m similar to God. The easy way to remember Baba is by thinking I, the soul, am just like my Father. As my Father is, so am I.
    • So in addition to being soul conscious Baba made us Supreme Soul conscious.  We are children of the highest of the highest authority – father of all fathers. The One who is the seed of the Tree of Humanity. I am the child of such Father. Being in this intoxication. Being children of God, we have divine virtues and we cannot behave like daemons and commit sins.  We didn’t have the knowledge of what actions were based on Truth and what behavior was characterized as wrongful. Baba came and taught us how to live in the world, how to perform actions, not to perform wrongful actions because we are God’s children.
  • Children, You are Residents of the Soul World
    • Feel and Experience yourself in the point of light form in the Soul World. All you souls are residents of the Soul World, experience yourself in the Soul world residing there along with your Supreme Father – the Supreme Soul. This is real knowledge. This is new knowledge, which is our reality. Where have you souls come from? Where is your home? Remember your home. Child, go to the Soul World again and again, as and when you have a moment throughout the day. Keep practicing going to the Supreme Abode. However, you will be able to practice this only when you are soul conscious. When the practice of soul consciousness is well-founded, the intellect will go straight away to the Soul World.
  • Child, Forget the Body and Bodily Relations from the Intellect
    • Neither think of yourself to be a body, nor do your bodily companions and relations belong to you. All are separate. Separate from the body – I’m not the body then there’s just nothing. You all are my Children, and I am your Father. I sent you down to the corporeal world to play your parts, so while playing your parts you got so involved in those relations. Now once again, experience yourself as a soul. I’m not this body nor am I a mother/father neither are those my children. I had come alone from the Soul World above. I came down here to play my part and then I will go alone.
    • Prepare to go home now, as the time has come now to return home. Baba says everyday that children destruction stands right in front of you. Remember Baba so you will feel empowered. Thoughts have power, a weak thought will manifest on your facial expression in the form of weakness. Your faces become bright by the force of pure thoughts. Baba has refreshed your memory that you are residents of the Supreme Abode. You are not residents of this corporeal world. You came alone, recall how you came to this corporeal world. When you will depart, this body will be here and you will be in Supreme Abode. You will not depart along with this body, then why get so attached with this body, why remember the body and bodily relations.
    • Baba constantly gave us the practice to think of ourselves as guests while living in this world. I am a resident of the Soul World and I am a Soul playing my part in this corporeal world. All these relatives are my stage partners, no one accompanies me forever. They have come, and will go too. I have come too, to enact my part. Whilst playing my part, I the Soul will leave. This knowledge must be used in practice.
    • Whatever memories Baba has given us, are given to make us powerful and capable. So make yourself powerful and drive this body. Perform all tasks in this world as this is a play, this world is a drama. We have come to play in this world drama. This drama comprises of dualities -happiness and sorrow, day and night, fame and defamation. When this drama is made up of dualities, then we are going to experience birth of someone and death of another one at the same time. The play of birth and death occurs in this world drama cycle only. In the Soul World we are free from birth and death. The Soul World is immortal world. So play your parts in this mortal world while remembering the immortal world. While playing your part in this world with others, always remember that all others are stage partners so this will enable you to be detached; you will not feel intimate and you will not feel that they are mine. You will feel that it’s a part of one birth to be played together as stage partners. All have come here to play their parts. We experience sorrow when we get attached to them and think of them as they belong to me, they are mine. While enacting our parts we become so loving and attached to them that we are unable to leave them. The bondages of attachment get so strengthened that now Baba detaches us from all relations at once. You are a soul, point of light form, you are beings of energy, body is matter and the body and bodily relations are not real – they are stage partners. This knowledge of the drama has liberated millions of souls from sorrow. There are varied kinds of tragedies, however Baba has liberated us from all kinds of sorrow.
  • Baba firmly established is us by long continuance, the meaning and timely use of the term “Drama”
    • Past is past, forget the past don’t relive it or think about it. Whatever happened – it was in the drama. Whatever happened yesterday, how ever it happened, it happened so in yesterday’s date and has finished, today that day is no more. What happens tomorrow will be seen tomorrow. Time keeps changing; one second doesn’t match with another. So see your part as a detached observer. Then you will not grieve over anyone’s death. Whatever be the nature of our troubles, we will stay detached and observe; whatever trouble has come we have to suffer and finish that karmic account – whether it be an accident, physical illness, a knowledgeable soul will not let these troubles invade the mind. If it’s an ailment, the worst that will happen is that the body will wither away, so then why should my state fluctuate thus my state will be unshakeable and immovable.  I am an indestructible soul, eternal soul; I live in this body but I am detached from this body. Anxiety and fear will only worsen the illness, so be free from worries and keep using the jewels of knowledge and new thought patterns that empower the soul to remain unaffected by sorrow. Sorrow affects us only when we have not well-founded the lesson of Drama in our life. Baba emphasized on staying detached and observing the drama. See past as past. Whatever has passed yesterday is past and when will it happen again? – in the next world cycle i.e. after 5000 years it will repeat identically in yesterdays’ date. Today’s day is still moving along and what happens up to tonight is yet to be seen. So be a detached observer in this manner and keep playing your parts, moving along, and observing what happens next. This helps us in creating an elevated stage. We do not fall down in our stage, thoughts that diminish our stage do not arise.
  • Child, Whilst seeing this old world, do not see it
    • It’s such a significant ask of Baba from us children that while seeing all wonders of this corporeal world do not see it. Then what should we keep in our intellects, if we are not to see this world whilst experiencing it through our open eyes? What does Baba’s knowledge state in such case? What should we see instead so that this old world vanishes from our sight? Baba asked us to think of this world to be dead, it’s gone – see clearly through your intellect the destruction and everything to be gone. This old world will destroy so why should we be attached to it. Knowing this, why should we take any taste of something that will be gone, that will end? Baba has told us the future of this world – there is complete clarity about it’s future. It is a beautiful world, and is still functional – we are seeing that, but Baba says children whilst seeing this world, do not see it. Do not fall in love with this world. Always remember the new world, because you have to go to that new world again. This old world is gone, but you will go to the new world, so keep that in your remembrance.
  • Child, Have Unlimited Disinterest of this world
    • Saints, sages, and hermits have limited disinterest. They renounce home and family to seek solitude. They lead the life of a recluse for few years but then they have memories of their past, they remember their families and get pulled back into society and this world again. Unlimited disinterest means having disinterest whilst being in this world and seeing it. Why should we have unlimited disinterest? Because the Supreme Surgeon has informed us of this world’s demise. So why would we keep the company of corpses? Would dead bodies be of any use to us in the end? So we should understand that we too are in a dead body, the soul is the being of energy in point of light form but this whole world is gone. Strong disinterest, no affection towards it. Attraction and attachment towards anything will be root cause of sorrow. Out intellect will constantly be pulled in that direction where there’s affection or attraction or attachment – that’s why have unlimited disinterest.
  • Child, Take yourself Beyond all Limits
    • Do not be limited by this body and bodily religion. Do not be limited by bodily relations – my parents, my uncle, my child etc. Do not be limited by bodily possessions i.e.  my house etc. The intellect is caught up in these limits. Baba asked us to take ourselves beyond all these limits to the unlimited – you are masters of the limitless home i.e. Soul World. Experience your self as Soul and go into the unlimited realm.  In reality, the Soul does not have any limits hence there won’t be any attachment towards objects of this world. There won’t be any attraction towards things that have limits, in which the intellect gets entangled. Brahma Baba went beyond all limits. He became detached from family relations and had no attachment in anyone.  He was in complete remembrance, which made his stage powerful.  After renouncing everything, he was so resolute that his attention never went back to all that he had given up.
  • Child, Become empowered by Truth and Purity
    • God is Truth and we are children of the True Father so the power of truth should be ingrained in our character. Truth lived internally and externally, no fear of anyone or anything or of any situation. The power of truth should be fundamental and strong within us. My Father is Truth. I am going to be the master of the Land of Truth (Golden Age).  Truth is this life’s adornment.
    • Purity is my life’s enrichment. Pure thoughts in the mind, means there is no waste. Purity in mind, words, actions to the extent that no traces of vices exist. Such determination should be in my purity that whilst living in this vicious world, I am not even touched by any vice.  Baba taught us to eat pure food, keep pure company. As the food so the mind, as the company so the color.  Keep your environment pure.  Your company should not be of weak nature , keep good company as well.
  • Child, Stay Detached and Loving
    • Children live in this world while being detached and loving. You will be able to stay detached by being in the incorporeal stage. From that stage of being incorporeal, then when you come into the corporeal form you will be loving towards all.  Practicing incorporeal stage will bring detachment, and be in corporeal form amongst brothers and sisters by serving all with love, and keeping the unlimited vision without any discrimination. Having this kind of love will make you detached and loving.
  • Child, Gain Victory over Death
    • Death comes upon all. When the time comes, the soul departs from this body, no matter whatever tasks we are engaged with or wherever we are physically located whether travelling on land, sea or by air. Death doesn’t wait for us to reach home or complete our endeavors. Death just takes us away from wherever we are at that time. Baba taught us to gain victory over such death – meaning do not think of death as death but think of it as leaving this body. Just as the soul has entered and taken this body so will the soul leave it.  So there is no sorrow experienced when it is said that the soul left the body, but we grieve when we use the word death. Acquiring victory over death means understanding that when time is up we have to leave this body, so internally our stage should be light. Just as I, the soul, have come into this body/world, so have I to depart.  So then there will be no fear of death within us. Why be attached to this world? When the time comes each one has to depart. So be ready on this stage with everything packed up. Be ready to leave this platform, so when the call from time comes, you depart. 
  • Children, You are Hero Actors of this Drama
    • In this unlimited drama, think of yourself to be a hero actor amongst so many billions of actors. Because God’s eyes have spotted us, God has made his children and God himself is upbringing and sustaining us. The whole world’s eyes are therefore being drawn upon us now. After we have been adopted by God, we live amongst our worldly families and the Godly family, but do not get attached anywhere. We give Godly gifts to our worldly families but do not get attached to them.  Now we do not get attached to bodies. We smile, interact, serve, mingle together but we do not get influenced by any one’s behavioral traits or do not get caught up in physical beauty or do not get trapped in any one due to their affection. Being trapped means inviting sorrow for oneself.  We saw Brahma Baba practically implement this direction from Shiv Baba. Baba’s intellect was never attracted to bodily relations. He was so beyond these limits that even while his bodily relations were sitting right beside him in a large hall of students, Brahma Baba was unable to spot them when he was asked by guests to introduce his family members to them.