Science and Spirituality

Science is the study of five elements of nature (i.e. matter), and that’s where the limits of science end. Spirituality is the study of the conscient energy (i.e. spirit or soul), that interacts with and affects the five elements of nature (i.e. matter). Spirituality is about experiencing the inner Immortal Self, the Higher Power i.e. The Supreme Soul, The Supreme Abode, The Three aspects of Time – past, present, and future, and experiencing our innate divine qualities of peace, bliss, love, positivity in day-to-day life.

Shown below are two distinct worlds – 1) The Physical World of Five Elements of Nature, and 2) The Soul World of Pure & Peaceful Energy. Science has not been able to study the Soul World because this world exists beyond matter. Beyond the Universe, exists a realm of pure, divine energy where The Supreme Soul (God Father) and all Souls reside. The Supreme Soul has imparted knowledge about the existence of the Soul World, and the proof of this non-material world’s existence can not be provided by Science, or by any human being. However, Spirituality allows us to directly experience this realm of pure divine energy and through this first hand experience of the divine energy of this world, lies in the proof of this world’s existence.

The limit of the study of Science ends where the boundary of this Physical World ends, beyond which starts the realm of pure and peaceful golden red light – The Soul World.

To meet the True Self and the Supreme Soul, we must drop everything, become empty, leave everything behind – momentarily disconnect from every aspect of day to day life and … be in deep silence… stabilize in this stillness of the mind … mind will wander back to the physical world, however steer your attention back to the emptiness, the stillness, the silence… and when we feel you have done this … step inside the Supreme Abode. Just empty, storyless, neutral mind, imageless, timeless, personless, put down all aspects of the mind. While being fully aware of the these external aspects but unassociated …and accept the gift of yourself! Leave the person behind, leave the physical awareness of the body and world of matter behind. The Soul is observer of the mind and the external physical world. You, the soul, witnesses the changeful role played by the person/body simply passing in front of the changefulness, that is the core, you are not changing, that is I, the True Self. Leave your mind behind, leave all beliefs, put down all ideas accumulated, notions, practices, history, leave all hopes and dreams i.e. leave the person. Supreme Soul has no interest in the person/role but only you, the Soul. Leave behind any realms of time, leave behind your thoughts, aspirations, and stabilize in inner peace.

I, am energy, I am consciousness, I enact a role through the corporeal body. I am incorporeal, imperishable, immortal energy. When I go in deep silence, I experience the stillness, the stability, which awakens me to realize my eternal identity, and experience the incorporeal world of silence – the Supreme Eternal Abode, a stable world, a realm that awakens me to my inner powers – power to discern, decide, tolerate, accommodate, to remain unaffected and liberated from every aspect of the corporeal world. As much as I bring attention back to my eternal self, and stay in deep silence … I begin to gradually experience my True Self, the Supreme Soul, and then the journey to self realization starts. I begin to realize that I have the power to dissolve all thoughts in silence – which is the key to remain unaffected and become detached in a second whilst playing my part/enacting my role in the corporeal world. Once I experience my True Self, I experience liberation in life, I embark on a self realization journey and I become a self sovereign – in full control of how I think, feel, act, behave, interact, react and overcome obstacles. I have nothing to fear, and nothing to lose as I am not identified with any corporeal aspects that are temporary and changing. I begin to realize what inner powers I have and aspire to awaken these inner powers to experience a corporeal journey(which we call, life) liberated from sorrow.

Spirituality provides answers to questions like – who we are, where have we come from, what is the purpose of life, where is God, what does God look like, what is the history and geography of this world beyond the documented history that exists upto 500 BC, what is the future of this world etc.. The most important of all these questions is – who am I?

Self Realization – Experiencing Our True Self

An image of The Entire Population with The Supreme Parent in The Soul World

Have we met with our real self? Our True Self, not the perishable self. What we have experienced so far of our self is this bodily existence – facial features, skin color, stature, size and shape. But underlying the skin are muscles, nerves, various organs, and the skeleton – which are all perishable. Our true existence persists beyond this perishable bodily existence. If we were to visualize our true self underlying this matter (skin, muscles, bones, nerves, organs, tissue), it is the consciousness, the energy that thinks, feels, decides, discerns. The energy that has memories, talents, personality traits, and habits. The energy that has beliefs, values, and instincts. If we wish to experience our eternal existence, we need to disconnect our awareness from this bodily existence, pertaining to physical elements i.e. matter. Presently, our default consciousness or awareness is rooted into this physical body, this physical world, bodily relations, material possessions, and worldly situations. Our thoughts are predominantly focussed on these aspects and thus we are unable to experience our eternal self, because our awareness has completely shifted away from our original self. The original self that is full of energy of pure thoughts and pure feelings of happiness, bliss, love, and peace. Is it not that we all yearn for a happy, peaceful, and joyous life? Have we ever wondered why we are attracted to such positive energy of peace, love, happiness, and do not enjoy when we experience the negative energy of sorrow, stress, hatred, fear, jealousy, anger, frustration etc. It is only because we are not made up of such negative energy – so its get difficult for us to survive in negative thoughts’ environment that is unlike or contrary to our original sense of being i.e. being of pure thoughts.

Kindly observe all the images above, including the ones sliding at the very top of this page. Can you find yourself in these images?

If the answer is ‘No’, it is because we are looking to find our faces or physical body appearance in these images. We are so identified with our physical bodies that when shown a picture of our True Self, we are unable to recognize our self. This is the irony or call it a global tragedy of identity crisis that the entire human population has been a victim of. Over a prolonged period of time we all have been living in the consciousness or awareness of being a body. We are so closely identified with our physical bodies that when The Supreme Parent shows us a picture of our True Self – the Eternal Pure Energy, – we are unable to recognize our original self – a tiny, bright, pure energy in the form of a Point of Light. In reality, we should be living in the awareness of our pure energy of happiness, love, peace and bliss. We should be predominantly occupied with thoughts of happiness, peace, love and bliss – this is the true purpose of life. Tragically, majority of the human population’s default awareness is that of this perishable worldly existence and of its perishable possessions and transient situations. Unless we anchor our awareness to our Real Self, we are not going to experience stability in peace of mind and continual happiness.

In the images shown above, can you recognize your True ParentThe Almighty Authority? Can you recognize this realm of golden-red pure light as your Eternal Home? The above sliding images are images of ourselves in our own eternal sweet silence home – the Supreme Abode, with our Supreme ParentThe Almighty Authority.

The irony is that we have knowledge of the entire cosmos, except about our True Self. We spent an entire lifetime without even having met with our own self . In reality, our awareness of our true identity i.e. we are Soul (or Spirit), has completely dissolved into this body. How did this happen, that we misidentified ourselves from who we truly are? Was it because our True self is invisible to the physical eye, and that which can not be seen is easily forgotten? Even though we are unable to see our True Self, i.e. by means of physical eyes or in the mirrorour existence in this body is manifested by the live functioning of the physical bodily organs, by our thoughts, feelings, memories, decision making capabilities, personality traits, talents, and interests.  Just like salt, when added to a glass of water, dissolves into the water completely and is no longer visible to the naked eye. However, the presence of salt is perceived by the salty taste of the water. Likewise, our presence in this physical body is manifested every second as the body breathes, walks, talks etc. because I, The Soul, am driving this body every second. If I, The Soul, departs from this body the dead body will no long breathe, think, feel, it will be lifeless.

The Soul is conscient energy – not physical energy. The Soul is beyond five elements of nature i.e. matter, and therefore can’t be perceived by means of matter i.e. any physical instrument whether that be physical eyes, a mirror, magnifying glass, an X-Ray or a CAT Scan machine. Likewise, for the Supreme Soul, our Supreme Parent – who can also not be seen by our physical eyes. It is challenging to be in constant connection and relation with an entity that we can not see through the physical eyes – and so we got disconnected from our True Self, our Eternal Parent’s true form of a Point of Light of divine, pure, and powerful energy. Our present default consciousness is of this physical world and The Supreme Parent has descended to uplift our consciousness to that of the Eternal Soul World, the Eternal Pure Light Form of our Self, and reveal the means through which we can stay in constant connection and relationship with our Supreme Parent.

We, Souls, are Beings of Powerful Energy residing in a human body. The Soul resides in the center of the forehead, in the form of a bright shining divine point of light, and is originally an embodiment of pure, powerful energy constantly emanating peace, love, happiness, and blissful vibrations. The Soul’s disconnection from its own energy and the energy of the Supreme Parent has led to the experience of a myriad of thoughts and feelings from the negative energy spectrum such as grief, anxiety, stress, envy, frustration, anger, fear, greed, etc.

Powerful Eternal Energy

We are such powerful, eternal energy that we render life to matter i.e. this physical body made up of five elements. It is us, the Soul or the Spirit that enables the lungs to breathe, the heart to pump, the digestive organs to digest and excrete. All these life functions are being performed intuitively by the Soul without any explicit thinking that one has to breathe now, one has to digest the ingested meal, or pump blood to all organs. The human body, is by far the most complex composition of five elements that exists to date – it’s a highly complex machine and such a complex machine is being automatically run by the Soul without any explicit thinking effort. Of such massive scale is the power of the Soul. Such is the inherent power of the Soul that without our presence in this body, the body will not even be able to stand upright on its own – if we leave this body, the body will immediately fall to the ground. The body will not even be able to move by itself, nor will the heart pump, nor will the body i.e. the brain, think or feel. Thinking is not a function of the body.  (Thinking is the capability of a faculty of the Soul i.e. The Mind., which is discussed in more details later on).

Our Supreme Parent has made us realize that we Souls have drastically underestimated our own power and eternal existence by deeply discounting our identity of merely being a body in this physical world. Are we merely bodies? Do we have an identity without this body? Can we introduce ourselves without anything acquired by means of this physical bodily existence? Do we have a biodata that is not acquired through this physical body? The worldly introduction that we normally give about ourselves is in reality, an acquired identity which the Soul has acquired by means of this body- such as name, education, family, fame, status etc..  But do we have a permanent and stable identity apart from that from this physical world, and independent of this body? The Supreme Parent advises us that we have an identity beyond this body. That identity is our original eternal identity which is that We are Beings of Peaceful Energy, Eternal Energy of Happiness, Energy of Love, of Bliss, of Power, of Purity and Wisdom. We are Residents of the Eternal Soul World, we are children of The Almighty Authority – The Supreme Soul and belong to that Supreme Parent (God) who also resides in the Soul World. This is our True Identity. We i.e. all Souls, are children of The Supreme Soul and residents of The Supreme Abode – the golden bright red realm of eternal peace and divine energy, and we have all descended from The Eternal Supreme Abode onto to this constantly changing Physical World of Five Elements of Nature. We have descended to play a role on this world stage through a physical bodily costume. We are not bodies, we are souls playing a Role through the medium of a physical body. Every Soul has a unique Role to play on this world stage, no Soul can play the part of some other Soul, we are all participating actors on this world stage and each individual Soul’s act needs to be enacted by that particular Soul only, there exists no replacement for any actor, hence we all have to descend onto this world stage at the time our roles need to be enacted. We are not the Role we play either, we are simply Souls who have forgotten our own identity by mistakenly identifying ourself with the bodily costume and the Role

The Soul’s disconnection from its own energy and the energy of the Supreme Parent has led to our close identification with the material aspects of this world.  It is because of our own deep rooted identification with this physical  world and our bodily presence that we have bought for ourselves a life dominated by stress, anxiety, greif, unhappiness, peacelessness etc.. This is because the physical world and physical bodily existence is subject to change and is temporary. We are seeking stability and security from a world that is temporary and constantly changing. We can understand this better by observing the changes over the span of  20 to 30 years in our own life, in the below mentioned aspects –

  1. body,
  2. bodily relations,
  3. profession,
  4. material possessions, 
  5. situations, and
  6. physical world

None of these above aspects that we have been predominantly occupied with throughout our lifetime, have stayed constant or are permanent in this physical world. Each and every change in these aforementioned aspects has changed our state of mind from being relaxed, and happy to being stressed, depressed, angry, anxious etc..  Be that a physical ailment, a breakup in relationships or death of a near one, a terminated employment, some monetary or materialist loss, unanticipated situations or undesirable personality traits of family members. Our Mind is so deeply connected with these aspects that a change in any of these aspects causes a change in our state of Mind. It is only when we keep the mind continually detached from these aspects and anchor the mind to aspects that are stable and under our control, it is only then that we start our journey towards Self Realization.  Our Supreme Parent, who deeply cares about our emotional and mental well being, advises us that unless we change the aspects to which our mind is constantly connected to, we will not experience the eternal peace and happiness that we are meant to experience in life. Unless we direct our Mind to think positive and powerful thoughts, we will not be able to regain the stable state that we once originally experienced. Unless we disconnect our Mind from the temporary and changing aspects of this world and connect it to the stable and eternal aspects of our True Identity, we will not experience a stable, peaceful and happy state of mind nor will we be able to express love, peace and happiness to those around us.

Constantly being attached to our own beliefs, ideals, principles and not accommodating the beliefs, principles, habits of others has lead to conflicts in relationships. Only when we convince ourselves to allow others the freedom to act, think their way and do not impose our ways on others, will we achieve true freedom from the bondages of our mind. Every Soul has an individual journey to perfection and sooner or later will reach that stage of perfection through various life experiences. The more detached we stay from our beliefs when it comes to imposing these on others, the more our mind is freed up from these subtle bondages of our ideals and it is then that we experience a light state of mind, free from the burdens of our own beliefs and then, relationships start to improve. The first principle The Supreme Soul guides us through is to Stay Detached and Loving in Relationships. Staying detached from our beliefs of what is right and wrong, staying detached from expectations and then come in interaction with other Souls, loving them and respecting them for who they are, accepting them just as they are. Not to force anyone or expect anyone to think or behave the way we think is right but to lightly state what we believe is right and then allow the other Soul to decide for themselves and let them progress on their journey.  It is only then that relationships will stop having an adverse effect on our state of mind. Every individual has the freedom to act as per their will. According to the Law of Karma, along with that freedom comes the responsibility to face the consequences of those actions as well. It is only when individuals impose their wills on others that conflicts arise in relationships, because no Soul likes being dictated or dominated by someone else’s will. We are powerful entities, powerful enough to subdue the urge to control others or expect from others, but instead exercise that inner power to control our own Mind from thinking of expectations from others or controlling others.

Staying connected to our innate qualities of peace, love, happiness and bliss is the key to succeeding in life. Keeping the mind free from externally triggered disturbances is only feasible when we learn how to connect within i.e to our True Self, to our Supreme Parent, and practice that in day-to-day life.

Re-Connect the Mind

The Soul’s existence is stable and eternal.  Our Supreme Parent’s existence is also eternal and stable. Our Supreme Abode is also eternal and stable. The Soul by itself is stable. It’s only when the Soul connects to transient and changing aspects of this world i.e. bodily relations/material possessions/profession/unanticipated situations, that the Mind comes in upheaval. If we become mindful of the company our Mind is keeping and the connections of the Mind, we can restore the original state of peace, happiness, bliss, love, wisdom and purity in our lives. 

We are powerful entities, powerful enough to disconnect the Mind from the external physical world and its situations and connect the Mind to the internal world of our True SelfWe are powerful entities that drive something as complex as a human body, and so do we have the capability to steer the Mind away from stress, worry, negativity and direct the Mind to think powerful and positive thoughts under any given circumstances.  If even for a moment we can get our Mind to focus on the inner self by totally shutting it down from this physical world comprising of bodily relations, material possessions and situations, and shutting our awareness down from this physical body … then we will get a glimpse of the peaceful, blissful energy emanated by the original self  i.e. Soul. This is the first step towards self realization.

For a moment, lets visualize our Self. Let’s withdraw our awareness from the physical surroundings and focus on the center of the forehead and visualize a bright shining star. Let’s gather our full awareness into this Point of Light form, shining brightly and emanating peace … Now let’s shut down our awareness from the body … let’s visualize that I, the Soul, a shining star is completely surrounded by darkness, a total black out – it’s just me shining brightly, emanating rays of golden red light and energy of peace … … … … … … … I am in deep silence, emanating peace … Now let’s connect with the Supreme Abode … let’s visualize that the total black out is replaced by a vast expanse of golden red bright light … I, The Soul, am surrounded by pure peaceful realm of divine energy … golden-red brightness, The Supreme Abode of Peace. of Stillness, of Deep Silence… And right in front of my Point of Light form is present another Point of Light – The Supreme Soul, my parent, my father, The Ocean of Peace and Purity and Love … who is emanating rays of energy that embrace me and fill me up with divine energy that is recharging me … I’m in deep silence … and receiving powerful energy from The Supreme… I am embedded in the depths of The Ocean of Peace – My Father who is The Almighty Authority … I am bathing in the golden red rays of energy from my Father … I am in the depths of The Ocean of Peace …. …. …. … …. …. Now gradually I bring my awareness back into the center of forehead of this body. I carry forward with me this experience of stillness and peace … I am Light …..  ….I visualize a pure light form of energy – an aura that is emanated from my point of light form. Without the physical body, we have a body of light, of pure energy that is brightly shining with divinity. This is me … The True Self! 

Continuously experiencing the original qualities of the Soul (that are peace, bliss), requires the power of concentration. It requires a little bit of practice in shifting our default awareness from the body to identifying our self with our Point of Light form of energy that we truly are.

With the help of two faculties of the Soul – the Mind and the Intellect, we can easily experience our True Self. While the function of the Mind is to think, the function of the Intellect is to discern, decide, and visualize. For example, when we dream every night our eyes are closed but we are still seeing scenes and experiencing everything as though it is happening in reality. But our eyes are closed, our body is stationary on the bed, but in the dream we have gone to places, and had experiences.  While dreaming, we are not actually seeing through the physical eyes but we are visualizing on the screen of the Intellect whatever themes the Mind is thinking of – whether that be something during the day that we have excessively been thinking about, or perhaps past experiences, or past events of the day,  or realization of any fears or desires. The visualization is so powerful that it is experienced as reality.  This is the principle of self-realization and experiencing The Supreme Parent. This is called Raj Yoga Meditation. Harnessing this visualization capability of the Intellect, we can think one powerful thought that ‘I am a peaceful Soul, a bright point of light emanating energy of peace’, and as soon as the Mind is anchored to this one thought i.e. we hold on to this one thought for as long as we can, then the Intellect visualizes a bright point of light emanating energy of peace – this leads to experiencing peace… because the quality of the thought is pure and thus the feeling associated with this thought is also pure and positive and peaceful.

Even though we cannot see the Soul and Supreme Soul by means of these physical eyes, we can however, visualize these on the screen of the Intellect. In order to experience inner peace, lightness, happiness, empowerment by concentrating on The Supreme Source of peace, of happiness, of bliss, of love, and of purity … we start off by looking at the images of The Soul World and The Supreme Soul shown at the top of this page.  Now start thinking about peace and our original form of a point of light in the Sweet Silence Home ……. start visualizing the self as a point of light emanating vibes of peace, purity, happiness. We switch between seeing our true form of point of light and seeing the Supreme Soul in the Soul World as a bright point of divine light. Now think of the golden-red pure divine light that we are surrounded by … we are submerged in this realm of pure golden-red bright light. This is our True Home.  Nothing changes in this Eternal Abode, there’s always silence here and it is peaceful. It’s a place where we can experience deep relaxation and there are no fluctuations here unlike the physical world. conflicts, no undesirable situations… it is just us and our Supreme Parent- The Ocean of Peace in this world of deep silence. Gradually, the picture in front of our eyes begins to register on the screen of our intellect in three dimensions and we are able to concentrate better as we can focus internally and experience a realm of peace, purity etc. Supreme Soul helps us in getting this experience once we are stable in these thoughts and remain focused. It feels as though we, a shining point of light, are submerged and surrounded by a realm of bright golden-red divine light filled with purity, bliss, peace, power. It’s a state of extreme pleasure and lightness –  this is our original bodiless state. This is the ultimate union of the Soul with the qualities and energy of The Supreme Soul.

Soul’s Quest in Life

Nothing changes in the world of the Soul, everything is stable in the Soul World i.e. The Supreme Abode, The Supreme Parent, Soul’s bright point of light form, Soul’s qualities of peace, love , purity, happiness, bliss, power and wisdom – everything is constant. Soul’s quest in life is for these qualities. All our life’s pursuits, whether those be getting into relationships, social life, hobbies, vacations, career ambitions, high paying jobs, entertainment etc., are eventually fulfilling the Soul’s need for joy, love, happiness, stability, peace, and comfort in life. This physical world offers these qualities but only temporarily and in varying quantities i.e. an unregulated supply. Soul in The Soul World acquires these qualities on a permanent, stable supply from The Supreme Soul. Consequently, when the mind is constantly connected to the stable Supreme Soul in the stable Soul World,  it remains calm, peaceful, happy, joyful and in comfort due to the experience of powerful energy emanated by our Supreme Parent. The Soul’s need for these qualities is fulfilled by connecting the Mind to this eternal inner world. Once the Soul’s desire for these qualities is fulfilled by meditation (i.e concentration), the Soul stops wandering in this physical world and stops chasing worldly aspects and becomes content, independent, loving, blissful, yet detached from the influences of negativity existing in this physical world and detached from the sorrows of perishable bodily relations and possessions. Such an enlightened Soul is no longer seeking something from this Physical World, but contributes towards guiding and uplifting the consciousness of other Souls to experience eternal peace, love and happiness by connecting with the the highest of the highest authority – The Supreme Soul.

Our Parent, The Supreme Soul is unaffected by matter and the fluctuations of this physical world because The Supreme Soul never comes into the cycle of birth and death and therefore is forever peaceful, forever pure, forever loving, forever blissful, and forever powerful. Therefore, being in a relationship with The Supreme Soul is very uplifting as it is The Ultimate Positive, Reliable, True Eternal Relationship that The Soul can ever experience. Unless The Soul has experienced a relationship with the Divine Power, our Supreme Parent, The Soul will never fully be able to live life’s true purpose. Daily mediation helps us experience the presence of The Supreme Soul and re-energizes us making our mind more peaceful, powerful and blissful. Such mind power enables The Soul to quickly steer away from negative thought patterns to positive thoughts that leads to feeling good and happy. 

The Soul has nothing to lose in the Soul World i.e. Eternal Abode, Eternal Parent, Eternal Qualities of peace, purity , happiness, bliss; but the Soul has everything to lose in this Physical World i.e. the body, bodily relations, and bodily possessions. Thereby imbibing this wisdom, while living in this physical world and enjoying it’s pleasant aspects, the Soul is powerful enough to disengage the mind from this physical world’s changing and transient aspects and be fixated on the True Self, The Soul World and The Supreme Parent.  This positive and powerful thought and visualization process is known as Raj Yoga meditation, which is taught directly by the Supreme Parent. The key is to shut down our awareness from this body (which in turn automatically disconnects the mind and intellect from this transient and changing physical world) and focus our awareness on the light form of The Self and Supreme Parent in The Soul World. It is only when we can disconnect our mind from this bodily existence, from all aspects of 5 elements of nature i.e. matter, then will we be able to experience our True Self, The Soul World and our Supreme Parent. 

What is Raj Yoga Meditation

Raj Yoga Meditation is the simplest and highest form of meditation, that enables one to live in constant awareness of being a Soul, as a child of The Supreme Soul, while enacting various duties and roles in life in a loving and detached manner. With faith, and persistence, millions of Souls have achieved divine experiences and positive transformation of their lives, within a short span of time. Yoga means connection of the mind i.e what the mind thinks of. Yoga with the highest of the highest times of this world’s purest state when there was abundance of health, wealth and happiness, Yoga with the highest of the highest authority – The Supreme Soul, Yoga with the highest and purest state of one’s True Self – this mind connection is known as Raj Yoga. Stress management,  positive thinking, resolving relationship conflicts, achieving true freedom in life, building inner power, bringing Supreme Intelligence to work and personal life, are just some of the achievements of those who practice Raj Yoga regularly.  Awakening to a new real identity, awakening to a new mind, new intellect, new personality, new life, new world – awakening to our highest form in terms of peace, purity, love, bliss, wisdom, power, and happiness is the highest of the highest achievement.  To learn how to meditate, kindly visit your nearest Brahma Kumaris Mediation center and take the 7-day course, which is offered free of charge. 

About Brahma Kumaris

Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University has worldwide presence with over 4700 centers across 147 countries.  It is a non-governmental organization in general consultative status with the United Nations Economic and Social Council(ECOSOC), in consultative status with UNICEF and is affiliated to the Department of Public Information (DPI). The knowledge shared by the World Spiritual University has directly been imparted by The Supreme Soul – God Father, with the goal of eradication of vices from human society, renewing the world by re-establishment of peace, harmony, virtues, and happiness in the world. This goal is achieved through self-realization, and spiritual empowerment by learning how to connect with The Supreme Parent in day-to-day life. Raj Yoga Meditation is a 7 to 14 day course offered by the Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual university at no cost and is available to anyone regardless of any religion, social or economic status, age or gender. The contents of this basic course is published on this website. For practical experience of these concepts and to quickly learn how to meditate to experience The True Self and The Supreme Power, readers are advised to visit their nearest Brahma Kumaris center. All services at the centers are provided free of charge. Due to the high number of Souls practicing this Meditation at the centers, the environment at these spiritual centers has been subtly charged with positive and pure vibrations that enable a new comer to instantly experience the original energy of peace of the Soul.

Note – As per the directions and guidance provided by the Supreme Soul, our affiliation with any center is not to establish a relationship with any center instrument or center attendee,  as no Soul has the capacity to elevate our consciousness, or empower any other soul. This is solely the task of the Supreme Soul, who has been fulfilling it for every new comer and therefore individuals are strongly advised to directly connect with the Supreme Soul in all aspects. A variety of Souls attend or supervise activities at the center, and based on their inner potential they may contribute towards creating a worldly environment instead of a spiritual environment at the centers. Any social familiarity, interactions or friendly relationships developed with center instruments or fellow classmates is only going to divert an individual from their true goal of Self realization and Supreme Soul realization, and create further karmic accounts with other souls. Our relation should be with one Supreme Parent and none other. Uplifting our consciousness is the task of the Almighty Authority – our Supreme Parent. Negative personality traits, or influences of vices on Souls attending the centers or Souls enacting as center instruments should not affect our state of mind, as all souls are making effort to elevate their consciousness and no Soul has reached that stage of purity and perfection in personality as of yet, that stage of perfection which The Supreme Soul is already at. Our journey for attainment of utmost peace, spiritual wisdom and happiness will entirely hinge upon our unwavering mind and intellect’s connection with The Supreme Parent – who is fully responsible for guiding and directing each Soul at every step. Staying focused on our goal to realizing the Self and the Supreme is the key to true self realization.

These spiritual centers should not be mistaken as venues for social groups of similar interest, cults, or religious centers. These centers are a venue to listen to knowledge that has been imparted by The Supreme Soul, to meditate, to realize the pure energy of the True Self and experience our Supreme Parent.

Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University does not preach any religion. The University only disseminates the Supreme Knowledge upon direction provided by the Supreme Soul for the upliftment of all souls.